Neera Tanden: First Indian American Woman Nominee for Director of OMB

The Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship applauds the Biden-Harris Administration for putting forth qualified individuals that are representative of the makeup of our country, including the nomination of Neera Tanden as Director of the Office on Management and Budget. 


“We know how important it is for there to be representation in our government, including gender and race. Following the historic election of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, we applaud the nomination of Neera, the first Indian American woman to be nominated for this important role. As the Biden-Harris Administration continues to identify and appoint individuals to serve our country, we certainly hope that we will continue to see strong representation of the AAPI community at all levels of government,” stated Karen Eng, Chair of the Board, Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship


Upon confirmation, we will look forward to working with Neera and others in each branch of government to make sure our nation's small businesses - and our nations AAPI businesses - come back better than ever.”


The Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship mission is to serve as a strong advocate of AAPI business interests and effect positive change on all issues that enhance and advance the goals and aspirations of AAPI business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders.  ACE strives to do this through supporting and promoting issues that impact the AAPI business community, improving the economic development and economic impact of the AAPI community, advancing coalitions and enhancing community building, and fostering the next generation of AAPI entrepreneurs and executives. ACE provides a unified voice for the business interests of AAPIs nationally.


Emily Fuder

Director of Marketing


National ACE 2020 Impact Report


National ACE Congratulates President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris