National ACE is optimistic about the Inflation Reduction Act introduced by Senator Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Schumer

[August 4, 2022 - Washington, D.C.] "The National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (National ACE) is optimistic about the Inflation Reduction Act introduced by Senator Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Schumer.

 We believe this legislation has the potential to elevate important conversations about alleviating the burdensome costs of healthcare services, provide crucial investment in domestic energy production, and move us in the right direction to decreasing the deficit. We will continue to closely watch the Senate deliberations in the coming days, as well as the House debate on this important legislation, one which we know will have an immediate impact on the pocketbooks of AAPI businesses.”

 -Daniel Oliver, Chief Operating Officer, National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (National ACE)

Emily Fuder

Director of Marketing


National ACE’s Statement on the 10 Year Anniversary of the Shooting in Oak Creek


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