Small Business Leaders Need to Become Vaccine Evangelists - ACE Op-Ed in Inc.

Small business owners are the key to reopening the economy. Leadership on vaccines is the next step

By Ron Busby Sr., Ramiro A. Cavazo, Chiling Tong, and Rhett Buttle

April 14, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted every industry of our nation's economy. Hardest hit were small businesses, especially in communities of color. Many have been forced to close and more are struggling to stay open. The only way to change this trend is by fully reopening the economy, and that cannot happen until enough Americans are vaccinated. The group that can be the most effective in this area is also the most impacted by the pandemic: small business owners.  

Small business is the most trusted institution in the United States, according to Gallup, and represents more than 90% of all businesses in the country. Business ownership is also a proven path to addressing the racial wealth gap. Before the pandemic, 43% of small businesses were opened in low-wealth communities, creating jobs and income in these economically disadvantaged areas. 

Read the entire article here.

Emily Fuder

Director of Marketing


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