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Perfect Pivots in a Pandemic

This event is from 7:30-8:30pm ET

Join National ACE and Chicago Asian Network as we feature Filipino American's who have started businesses in the competitive culinary industry and have gained successful traction and prominence amidst the pandemic.

Pogi Boy of Washington DC, Kora Bakery of New York City, and Salamat Cookies of Indiana.
These small Filipino American Businesses decided to open up in the middle of a pandemic and have achieved immediate traction and exponential growth.

Featured by the Eater and selected as one of the most exciting new restaurants to try in DC, Pogi Boy, opened in June of 2020.

What started out as a short-term baking project that was humbly produced out an apartment kitchen in Woodside, Queens, Kora Bakery has come to amass a waitlist of over 10,000 people, recognized in New York City and in the international scene.

Started by a photographer who turned to baking cookies to show his appreciation for his community, Salamat Cookies has grown from a goal of 300 cookies to now surpassing 34,000 cookies that have shipped to 37 states and 4 countries.

Join National ACE and Chicago Asian Network as we talk about Perfect Pivots in Pandemic.

Chef Tom Cunanan, James Beard Award-Winning Chef, cofounder of Pogi Boy
Kimberly Camara, Chef and Cofounder of Kora
Kevin Borja, Cofounder of Kora
Michael Williams II, Cofounder of Salamat Cookies

Moderated by Lakhi Siap, Founder of Chicago Asian Network.

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