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Business Leader Briefing with the White House

july 1 2021 pps event white house.png

National ACE and Public Private Strategies Institute invite you to join us Thursday, July 1 at 2:00 p.m. ET for a business leader briefing with Gene Sperling, The White House American Rescue Plan (ARP) Coordinator and Senior Advisor to the President. Gene will give important updates on:

  • The implementation of the American Rescue Plan

  • The Child Care Tax Credit (CTC), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), & Paid Leave Tax Credit

  • Take some question and answer 

Please join us Thursday, July 1st at 2:00 p.m. ET for this important conversation.

Gene Sperling is the White House ARP Coordinator and Senior Advisor to the President. Previously, Sperling served as Director of the National Economic Council and National Economic Advisor to both President Obama (2011-2014) and President Clinton (1997-2001). He is the only person to hold that position for two Presidents. He also served as Deputy National Economic Advisor (1993-1996), Counselor to the Secretary of Treasury and Member of the President’s Auto Task Force (2009-2010) and Economic Advisor to Governor Mario Cuomo, (1990-1992). Under Presidents Clinton and Obama he played a lead role in the significant expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and other refundable tax relief for hard-pressed families. He was a key architect of the 1993 Economic Plan during the Clinton administration and a key negotiator in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement that lead to the Children’s Health Initiative Program (CHIP), higher education tax relief and played leadership roles in the creation of the New Markets Tax Credit, Community Development Financial Institutions, Gear-Up, Debt Relief for low-income nations, and anti-sweatshop and anti-child labor initiatives. Under President Obama, Sperling played a critical role in passage of expanded tax relief for low income families, the payroll-tax cut, the Small Business Jobs Act (including the State Small Business Credit Initiative), the proposed American Jobs Act, the Manufacturing Hubs Initiative, as well as in special initiatives on college opportunity and efforts to help long-term unemployed. He is author of Pro-Growth Progressive: An Economic Strategy for Shared Prosperity (2005) and numerous publications including most recently, “Economic Dignity” in Democracy Journal (2019).

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