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Nearly 3,800 anti-Asian hate incidents were reported since the onset of the pandemic back in March 2020. As Asian American communities are experiencing an increase in violence and hate prompted by racist rhetoric about the coronavirus pandemic, we are asking the members of our community to come together to discuss ways to help combat anti-Asian violence.

Hosted by the CalAsian Chamber, National ACE, and the API Legislative Caucus.


Times below are in Pacific Time

11:00am – 11:05am Welcome Remarks:
• Pat Fong Kushida, President & CEO, CalAsian Chamber of Commerce
• Chiling Tong, President/CEO, National ACE

11:05am – 11:15am Remarks:
• Congresswoman Doris Matsui, 6th Congressional District (invited)
• Assemblymember Evan Low, 28th Assembly District

11:15am – 11:20am - Remarks: AAPI Small Business Owner

11:20am – 12:00pm - Panel: How corporations are addressing this and what are they doing in support?
• Moderator: Bill Imada, Chairman and Chief Connectivity Officer, IW Group Inc.
• Travis Kiyota, Senior Vice President of Global Policy and Public Affairs, East West Bank
• Melinda Yee Franklin, Executive Director for the West Region, Community Engagement/Corporate Responsibility, JPMorgan Chase
• Megan Ruan, Co-Director, Success Ventures, Gold House
• Anthony Williams, Director of Public Policy, Americas at Amazon (invited)

12:00pm – 12:10pm - Q&A

12:10pm - Closing Remarks:
• Senator Min, 37th Senate District

12:15pm – Thank you Remarks
• National ACE Board Chair; Karen Eng, President and CEO, CSMI

12:15pm – End

May 6

COVID-19 Vaccines and AAPIs

May 10

Coffee with Senator Cardin: A Conversation with AAPI Small Businesses