Joon I. Kim

Associate Vice President of External Affairs, Comcast Corporation

Joon I. Kim serves as Associate Vice President of External Affairs for Comcast Corporation. In this role he is responsible for strategic partnerships with Asian Pacific Islander American community groups and left of center national policy advocacy organizations. Joon works with these organizations to develop and advance their engagement with programs such as Internet Essentials, Comcast RISE, and digital equity.

 His expertise lies in mentorship, organizational development, designing and implementing culturally competent programs that combine targeted outreach and coalition building with digital and grassroots organizing. Prior to joining Comcast in 2021, he spent 21-years working political advocacy advising center left political parties, advocacy campaigns, labor unions and corporations in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the U.S.  

During the 2020 Presidential campaign, Joon worked with numerous Independent Expenditure campaigns focused on POC voters in battleground states. The most fulfilling work from this cycle was the campaign and organizational coaching done with AAPI c4 organizations in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. The five organizations raised $7.8 million, made 3.6 million calls, sent 1.45 million pieces of mail, and ran 20,262,096 digital impressions. Work was done in multiple languages, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi, Tagalog, Arabic, Bangla, Hmong, among others increasing Asian American turnout in those states by over 120%.