How to Implement AI Into Your Small Business

AI has become far more prominent in our everyday lives over the last few years. From art generators to chatbots, these computer programs can think and create at a speed far beyond that of any human performing these tasks. Nearly 30% of small businesses have begun to implement AI programs into their everyday operations, but it may be difficult for some small business owners to know where to start with these programs. Over 35% of businesses say that lack of expertise keeps them from investing in AI. Finding a gateway into the uses of AI for your own small business could streamline efficiency and lower costs in the long run. But where to begin? Here are some helpful tips for starting out with using an AI:

1. Determine If You Need It

AI can certainly solve many problems and help streamline work, but they are also an investment of time and money. Before choosing to go forward with AI, see if the existing systems you have in your business are running at the highest capacity possible. Once you’ve already maximized workflow and decided you can afford to bring in an AI program, then you should proceed with research.

2. Identify the Need

Different AIs will address different issues, so figure out first what you might want your AI to do so you know what you’re looking for when researching. Sorting your email inbox, analyzing customer feedback, screening for cybersecurity risks - these are just some of the tasks different AI can be assigned to, and it would be helpful to analyze your business to know what would be most beneficial for you.

3. Do the Research

AIs are as varied and complex as any other computer system. It’s good to know how they can differ from one another and how this might affect which one you invest in. Do you want a low-code or no-code AI? A rules based or a learning based AI? One that sorts or analyzes? Putting time into figuring out which would work best for your business will help you hone in on a specific program or programs.

4. Learn How to Use It

From freelancers to online courses, there are low- to no-cost resources to help you better understand how to implement AI into your small business. Having a better grasp of how the AI programs you’re using operate will only help you in the future as the scale of your business increases and the data being analyzed becomes more complex.

AI can be a great resource to small businesses if approached correctly. Taking the time to determine if and how an AI program might be able to help your small business will benefit you and your customers over time. Even if now isn’t the right time to do so, knowing the resource of AI is there and how to best implement it will be helpful down the line.


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